Dragon Medical One speaks your language.
Physicians and healthcare professionals can enjoy the comprehensive vocabulary sets that comes with Dragon Medical One. When you’re creating EMR’s, you have access to the all the latest medical terms, phrases, product names, and more. This library of medical and industry terms is constantly updated, so you don’t have to worry about the correct spellings of new processes, phrases or words.
Because of this, you are able to achieve a higher standard of EMR’s which will reflect positively upon you as well, both among your peers and among patients. Dragon Medical One will serve you well for years to come.
Dragon Medical doesn’t stop there. Not only will you be able to use your own words to create highly comprehensive records, but you can also easily email other professionals, patients or vendors by using Dragon’s convenient verbal commands. Again, you increase your productivity and improve your professional services.

Better Dictation
Dictate at the cursor, directly into your preferred app, or use a dictation box to access your personalizations and transfer text between apps. Anchor dictation allows you to keep your focus while switching between apps.
Reduce time and eliminate repetitive data entry by automating the addition of commonly used content and information to clinical notes.
Unrivaled Accuracy
With no voice profile training, you can immediately dictate notes using best-in-class speech recognition capabilities. Automatic accent detection and audio calibration provide 99% accuracy.
Built-in Voice Control
Natural language commands designed to optimize workflows allow you to quickly format, correct, and navigate notes.

Compatible with your EMR
Dragon Medical One is compatible with leading EMR systems including Practice Fusion, Epic, Allscripts™, Centricity™, eClinicalWorks, Nextgen®, TotalMD and MediTAB.
Allergy and Immunology
With Dragon Medical One, you can enjoy all the latest allergy and immunology vocabulary that you use everyday, automatically updated. Imagine being able to use even the newest terminology without fear of misspells or re-writes. You’ll work faster, more accurately and with greater productivity.
Easily create patient records that communicate complaints and symptoms, using the correct spellings for drugs and procedures, without typos. Dragon Medical One terminology includes everything from immune deficiencies to vaccination histories, precise and thorough, so you can create the quality records you need as an allergy and immunology health care professional.
With Dragon Medical, you’ll enter your notes and reports using your own words to create highly comprehensive records. You’ll even email other professionals, patients or vendors, all by speaking naturally in your own words and using Dragon’s convenient verbal commands. Ultimately, you’ll have more time to do what you do best: treating your patients.
Cardiology Practitioners: Improve Dictation Accuracy with Dragon Medical’s Cardiology Vocabulary
If you’re a cardiologist, you’ll love to hear about the comprehensive library of cardiology terminology built into the acclaimed new Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4. Imagine never having to look up the correct spelling of a technical term again…or having to proof and reproof your documents to ensure you’ve spelled that new drug correctly. Dragon Medical can take your productivity to a whole new level.
Thanks to Dragon Medical’s collection of the most up-to-date cardiology terminology, you can confidently create patient records using the correct spellings for practice-specific drugs and procedures. Our terminology collection includes all the most current words and names in the cardiology field, helping to ensure that the records you create are as accurate as possible.
Simply dictate your notes, and Dragon Medical automatically spell checks all medical terms for you. Want to email the record to another medical professional? No problem. You can do that from within the program, without ever closing it down or switching to an email program. That means faster results and less wasted time.
Software that understands your language
Now you can employ speech recognition software that understands the Chiropractor’s daily language and specialty terminology with more than 99% accuracy. Optimize your workflow with custom configurations that support the unique process of clinical dictation in a Chiropractic setting.
Colon And Rectal Surgery
Colon and Rectal Surgery Specialists:
Dragon Medical Speaks Your Language.
Dragon Medical One includes all the latest–and constantly updated–terminology used regularly by colon and rectal surgery specialists. So when you’re dictating patient notes, you can rest assured that you have the correct spelling of colon and rectal terminology and products or treatments.
The advantage to you, the medical professional, is a more accurate, more professional patient record.
Using the specialized medical vocabulary you use in your practice reflects well upon you as a professional but also boosts your productivity. No time consuming rewrites due to misspellings of common terms or newly introduced products or drugs. And because the vocabulary modules are constantly updated, you never have to worry about falling behind.
But there’s more to Dragon Medical One than simply speaking naturally to create EMRs. You can also use it to quickly send out emails–with correctly spelled medical terminology. With the many new features in the latest version of Dragon Medical One, you can perform many functions with easy verbal commands, without changing screens or even clicking a mouse.
Dermatologists can enjoy the comprehensive dermatology terms vocabulary that comes with Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4. When you’re creating EMR’s, you have access to the all the latest dermatology terms, phrases and product names. This library of medical and industry terms is constantly updated, so never again will you have to worry about the correct spellings of new processes, phrases or words.
Emergency Medicine
The built-in Emergency Medicine vocabulary file that comes with Dragon Medical One can help you work more efficiently and accurately than ever before. When you’re creating EMR’s, Dragon Medical One gives you access to the all the latest emergency medicine terms, phrases and product names. This library is automatically updated, so you can be confident that your EMR’s always contain the correct spellings of new processes, phrases or words in your specialty field.
The vocabulary gives you clear advantages through improved accuracy. You will no longer have to look up spellings of the newest words or manufacturers, and because that saves you time, you’ll be more productive. If you’re in any phase of emergency medicine, this Dragon Medical One vocabulary is essential to providing the highest standards of professional record keeping services for your peers and your patients. No wonder it’s a favorite feature of EM providers everywhere.
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Dragon Medical One includes the very latest terminology used by specialists in endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism health care. If this is your specialty, this collection of all the latest words, drug names, and other terminology can help ensure that, as you dictate, the most current and correct spellings are entered into the document.
This feature is vital in creating a document as accurate as possible. It’s good for the patient and good for you, the health care professional.
When peers review your records, they expect to see the most accurate spellings in your field. Dragon Medical helps you achieve this. It also saves you time in proofing and reproofing your dictation, so you have more time to do what you do best: treating your patients.
Dragon Medical One gives you access to the all the latest ENT terms, phrases and product names you use every day. Even better, it automatically updates your files so you’re always using the industry’s most current and accurate spellings of new processes, phrases or words.
The ENT vocabulary gives you clear advantages through improved accuracy. As you dictate your notes, Dragon Medical compares your input to its most recent vocabulary files. Imagine: you’ll never again have to spend time spell checking your work or looking up correct spellings of ENT terminology, phrases or even drug manufacturers. That saves you time so you can concentrate more on your patients.
Family Medicine
Family medicine practitioners can enjoy the very latest terminology in their specialty when they use Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4. Each program includes the most recent vocabulary in the family medicine field, automatically updated so you’re always using the very latest and most accurately spelled terminology.
If you’re a gastroenterologist, the built-in gastroenterology terminology feature in Dragon Medical One can help you work more efficiently and accurately than ever before. Now you can accurately convert spoken terms into correctly spelled text, including all the latest medicine terms, phrases and product names. And don’t worry about keeping it updated–we do it for you automatically.
Geriatric Medicine
Geriatric medicine specialists can create more accurate patient records using the built-in geriatrics terminology that are included with Dragon Medical Practice One. No more worries about correct spellings of the latest terms, drugs or manufacturers. Dragon Medically spell checks your document for you, and keeps its geriatric medicine vocabulary files constantly updated.
If accurate patient records are important to you, then this feature will soon be one your favorites. Simply dictate your notes and Dragon Medical renders the terminology into the correctly spelled text as you speak.
Internal Medicine
Ever struggle with the correct spellings of the latest terminology in internal medicine? Struggle no more–Dragon Medical One comes with a complete, automatically updated library of all the most commonly used internal medicine vocabulary, including product names, manufacturers and other terminology specific to your field of practice.
In a field where accuracy is critical, this feature is an absolute must for the practitioner who transcribes patient records and notes.
Infectious Disease
As an infectious disease specialist, you have enough on your plate without worrying about the correct spellings of the latest terminology in your field. That’s why Dragon Medical One is available with a complete collection of the most current infectious disease terminology.
As you dictate patient notes and records, Dragon Medical automatically spell corrects all industry terms, including words unique to your field, product names and even manufacturers. Even better, we constantly update this collection, so you never have to worry about the spelling of new words that come out during the year.
As a specialist in nephrology, you have enough on your plate without worrying about the correct spellings of the latest terminology in your field. That’s why Dragon Medical One is available with a complete collection of the most current infectious disease terminology.
Included are the correct spellings of all the latest neurology drugs, manufacturer names and other terminology you use in your neurology practice. So when you dictate an entry into a patient record, Dragon Medical One transcribes it correctly every time. That can save you tons of time proofing your records to make sure each neurology term is accurate. With Dragon Medical, you can rest assured that it is.
Nuclear Medicine
If you’re a specialist in nuclear medicine, you’ll find the constantly updated collection of nuclear medicine terminology inside Dragon Medical One very helpful. It’s one of the most complete anywhere, and a handy assist when you dictate patient medical records.
When you treat something as critical as cancer, Dragon Medical’s specialty library is feature is an absolute must in assuring that your records are as accurate as possible
The automatically updated library includes the most commonly used oncology vocabulary, including product names, manufacturers and other terminology specific to your field of practice.
Now you can enjoy speech recognition software that understands the language of Psychiatry. Optimize your workflow with intuitive technology that will help you create more robust and accurate patient records from evaluation to treatment. Dragon Medical One includes over 50,000 medically relevant terms making dictation for the Psychiatrist a more streamlined and effective process.
Now you can employ speech recognition software that understands the process behind Pathology and the unique terminology used through assessment, diagnosis and prognosis. Optimize your workflow with custom configurations that support your specialty and support from a company that understands your role as the Doctor’s Doctor.
Pulmonary Disease
Specialists in pulmonary disease are especially pleased when they learn about Dragon Medical’s built-in library of the latest pulmonary disease terminology. That feature means specialists can dictate patient records without having to go back and proof their records to ensure that they contain no misspelled terms. Instead, the program does that for you, with automatic updates to ensure that your notes meet your need for the most accurate records you can deliver.
Now you can employ speech recognition software that understands your specialty terminology with more than 99% accuracy. Optimize your workflow with custom configurations that support the unique process of dictation in a radiology setting.
Specialists in rheumatology can speed up their patient record dictation through the time-saving new collection of rheumatology terminology available with Dragon Medical One.
All the latest rheumatology terms are included, everything from drugs to manufacturer names, common phrases and more. So when you dictate a term, Dragon Medical transcribes it correctly every time. No need to go back and proof your work for correctly spelled terminology. We’ve done it for you. .